Crisis Intervention Hotline: 330-264-9029

WHIRE - 2021 Review

Katie Koglman • February 10, 2022

The first call for help hotline was very HOT in 2021.

We re- launched WHIRE (Wayne Holmes Information and Referral Exchange) in April, 2019.  To date, we have answered 13, 016 phone calls from people in Holmes and Wayne Counties.  United Way of Wayne and Holmes has a long history of serving as the first call for help in our community.  The original WIRE line operated in the early 1970's as a switchboard.  Years later, it turned into Info-Link and then moved the the national platform of 2-1-1.  In 2019, we unsubscribed from 2-1-1 because our calls were being routed to Cleveland.  Frankly, the operators were not familiar with our local community and some callers were not getting the best information and/or referral.  We rerouted the phone lines, and now when you call either 2-1-1 or (330) 263-6363 you will be routed directly here to our office and one of the friendly faces at United Way of Wayne and Holmes will answer your call.

With the re-launch of WHIRE, we were able to best serve the community in times of need.  In 2019, we helped the Wayne County Emergency Management with cataloging flood calls from Apple Creek.  While they were out assessing the damage, we were able to take the calls and catalog the damage on paper for them.  In 2020, we served as the COVID-19 Hotline.  Providing respite for the Health Department by answering thousands of questions from our community.  In 2021, we assisted the Wayne County Health Department, Wooster Community Hospital, Aultman Orrville Hospital and the Emergency Management Agency to serve as the Covid-19 Vaccine Hotline.  In 2022, already, the WHIRE line has been utilized as the Free Tax Assistance Hotline and the Winter Storm Landon Hotline.

In late 2021, Melita Wiles, a College of Wooster student, used the WHIRE data as a special project for one of her math courses.  Here is the full report.

Her findings revealed some amazing statistics about our local WHIRE line and the callers.

For example, the oldest caller was 102 years old, the busiest time for calls is Monday mornings from 9am - 12 noon and most callers are over 50 years old.  If you take out the COVID-19 related calls, the majority of calls are seeking a phone number.  Yes, we also act as a 4-1-1 to many.  Beside, assistance with taxes housing related issues are high on the list of needs.

The WHIRE line also allows us to identify gaps in service.  If we have many people needing a particular item, but don't have a local resource to assist them - that is a gap in service.  One gap in service that we have identified is low-cost bug remediation.

Each month, we release a log of the calls that we have received.  We call this the WHIRE BLOTTER. Explore the January 2022 WHIRE Blotter here. 

If you would like WHIRE posters, business cards or more information please call us at (330) 263-6363

A special shout out to MCTV for their generous support of this community resource.

By Kayley Cox October 17, 2024
As part of the annual community grant funding each year, the 2025 Grant Applications through United Way Wayne and Holmes Counties (UWWH) have now been made available. UWWH offers grant funding towards needs based requests. In the last decade, UWWH has granted over $14 Million to solving local issues through partnerships with local non-profits. The grant application window will be open from October 1, 2024 with applications due no later than end of business December 13, 2024. The grant application allows UWWH to directly assist local nonprofits in Holmes and Wayne Counties, directly working towards their mission to mobilize community resources while improving the lives of people in the community. Local community members assist in the review of completed grants as part of the “Investment Team” as volunteers and UWWH donors who review each grant application. Investment Team volunteers provide funding recommendations to the UWWH Board of Directors. United Way Wayne and Holmes aims to measurably improve the lives of residents in our community, often those who are employed, but still are income constrained. Four areas of focus guide UWWH in their mission to assist these community members: Health/Mental Health/Substance Abuse Treatment, Safety Net/Basic Needs, Workforce Development and Youth Development. Grant applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements to apply: Be an organization meeting one of the following criteria: A 501(c)3 nonprofit currently registered with the Secretary of State of Ohio. A governmental organization, such as public education institution, voluntary associations, or faith-based community. Run by a volunteer Board of Directors, none of whom receives any remuneration from the organization. Currently be located within, and providing services in Wayne and/or Holmes Counties. A question-and-answer session on the application process will be held at UWWH located at 215 S. Walnut St., Wooster on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 11 AM and again at 4 PM. Applicants are encouraged to attend. A virtual option is available, please call the office for details. The application deadline is 5 PM on the evening of December 13, 2024. Awards will be announced in March 2025. Organizations who have questions may contact United Way via email: or by phone: (330) 264-5576. Application is available at: or go to GET FUNDING .
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