Crisis Intervention Hotline: 330-264-9029



United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties is a community resource and partner to other area non-profits. United Way’s mission is to mobilize community resources to help people measurably improve their lives. United Way does this through an Allocations Process each and every year, where grants are given out through an application process, to support community programs that are run by area agencies.


In part with their mission, United Way has chosen to invest in quality programs in Wayne and Holmes Counties that seek to improve the lives of low-income families. The four areas of focus that UWWH has carefully considered are; Health/Mental Health/Substance Abuse, Safety Net/Basic Needs, Workforce Development and Youth Development.

To receive funding, you must apply at the

appropriate time and meet the following criteria:

Must be a registered 501 (c) 3 registered with the Ohio Secretary of State Office or a public education institution, voluntary association or faith based organization.

Provide services to low-income residents in Wayne and/or Holmes Counties.



JUly 2024

Mid-Term Reports Due for Current Funded Partners



Application Available


November 2024

Q & A Sessions at 11am and 4pm at 215 South Walnut Street

Wooster, Ohio 44691



Application Deadline


Contact Us


  1. Request for proposal released
  2. Q & A session
  3. Proposals submitted by agency
  4. Internal staff review for errors
  5. Volunteer Investment Team training
  6. Proposal review by volunteers
  7. Volunteer review meeting
  8. Volunteer Q & A with agencies
  9. Volunteers make recommendation to Board of Directors
  10. Board approval
  11. Award announcements to agencies

The Volunteer Investment Team: One of the most important aspects of what we do at United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties. This committee ensures that United Way funds are allocated and invested in a manner consistent with United Way’s mission of mobilizing community resources to measurably improve the lives of those living in the communities we serve. These volunteers are donors and have a vested interest in the programs that United Way supports. They invest many hours reviewing the applications submitted for grant funding to United Way.



Questions about the 2024 Funding Cycle

  • Does my organization need to be located in Holmes or Wayne Counties?

    Yes. Since we are a local United Way, we only fund organizations that are located in Holmes or Wayne Counties and who serve the citizens of either or both counties. If you only serve people in Orrville, Dalton or Marshallville you must apply for funding from Orrville Area United Way.

  • What can United Way funds be used for?

    We strive to make our funding flexible to help you fulfill your mission, so the items that we will fund include the following: Certifications/Trainings (Registration Fees only for Professional Development) Client Evaluations/Assessments Direct Client Services (Shelter, Rent, Utilities, Clothing, Food..etc.) Meals/Snacks/Food Pantry Program Specific Supplies (these will need to itemized in the budget) Salary/Benefits/Payroll Taxes (the cost to hire) Scholarships (by reimbursement only) Support Groups Other - as defined by you. Approval or clarification may be needed.

  • What will United Way of Wayne and Holmes funds not cover?

    There are some items that we will not cover in a funding request. Our funds will not cover the following items: Capital Expenses/Capital Campaigns Equipment Insurance Consultant Fees (audits, IT, attorney, etc.) Software/Hardware Fundraising Events or Expenses Membership Fees, Dues, Subscriptions Hotels, Meals or Fringe Expenses for Professional Development

  • Is multi-year funding available?

    Yes, some requests may qualify for multi-year funding.  You must be a Core Community Partner and meet other criteria.  This decision is set annually by the Board of Directors.  

  • Do you have set grant amounts?

    No. This year, we are granting funds by line item. This is why it is imperative to complete your budget in full. We will either fully fund a line item or not fund a complete line item. For example: If your budget line item is Salary at $20,000.00 and you have another line item of Program Supplies at $5,000.00 - your total request would be $25,000.00. We will either fund you $25,000.00 OR $20,000.00 OR $5,000.00 OR $0. There may be partial funding, but complete line item funding. We will not cut your budget by percentages of amounts, we will simply either fund the line item or not fund the line item.

  • When are Proposals due?

    2025 Proposals are due by 5pm EST on December 13, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted as ONE PDF document either mailed to: United Way of Wayne and Holmes, 215 South Walnut Street, Wooster, Ohio 44691 or emailed as ONE PDF to:

  • What if I have questions about my proposal?

    All questions must be submitted in writing (email) to we will schedule phone calls if it is necessary. We will host two question/answer sessions on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 11:00am and a second at 4:00pm. It is recommended that you do attend one of these sessions if you intend to apply for funding. Please call to RSVP to this session (330) 264-5576

  • What is the ideal percentage of a budget will United Way cover?

    There is no specific percent that UWWH has set. It is on a case by case basis. Our Volunteer Investment Team likes to have this information for review.


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